I keep up with the news, whether on T.V. or online, pretty regularly and not a day goes by where I don't read something about one of the presidential candidates. 2008 is not even here yet, and I am already growing tired of the same old crap---but someone's same-old story I don't get tired of is Gore's. I wouldn't consider myself an environmentalist, but I do consider myself an educated person who appreciates science and certainly those who are wiser and have more experience than I do. I could listen to Gore for hours----his eloquence and message are genuine and on point. His ability to be a "velvet hammer" and face difficult situations diplomatically is inspiring. He's the kind of figurehead little kids used to think of when they thought of The President of the United States, and the kind that I want as my President (versus the bozo we have now).
Anyhow, I was delighted to discover there is a draft grassroots campaign trying to collect signatures to convince Al Gore to run again. As soon as I saw this I registered---RUN AL RUN! No matter where you are on the political spectrum, I recommend you visit this site and encourage Al Gore to enter the race. Not only is this a man that has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for putting the environment issue on the map, he has proven himself to be an incredible politician who knows how to work the people, Washington, and our friends and foes overseas. I hope you will take a moment and encourage Al Gore to run.