Sunday, October 28, 2007

Monday Morning Must

I think we've all seen Dramatic Prairie Dog on YouTube...but here is a recent James Bond Remix...hilarious! I just can't get enough of this!

Bookmark of the Week

If you are incorporating the Hispanic market to any of your outreach campaigns, there are many sites that have the latest information regarding this growing target audience. My favorite is Hispanic Market Weekly. Check it out and bookmark it!

CNN YouTube Debate

Bravo to the innovative work CNN is doing regarding the 2008 election. I think YouTube debates will become the standard----that is, until videos b/co obsolete. The next YouTube debate is happening next month---prepare your video human interest question on issues impacting the nation. Immigration, health care, transportation, education, etc. The communications firm I worked with had their video selected in the first CNN YouTube debate---the key is to follow the format. Good Luck!

Second Life

The gaming generation has grown up and, what were once video games, are now virtual environments where real people are meeting and financial transactions are being made. Although I get the fact that this is a new communication forum, there are still a lot of improvements to be made to SecondLife. I love the idea of an avatar, but I can barely control mine in this environment. I always blamed my computer (low memory and out of date graphic card) but I know others have the same issues. I saw this really funny video on YouTube about it......glad to know I am not the only one!

Blogging On

Blogs are gaining ground in the legislative arena, although it remains difficult for lobbying firms to determine how much influence they have and whether they are a new tool for drumming up interest in particular issues or a passing fad. Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) recently generated more than 500 comments when he posted his position on a bill to expand broadband coverage in rural areas on the blogs Open Left and RedState, and the comments will be reviewed by his aides as part of the bill-drafting process. "The reality is that most people feel that unless you can hire an expensive lobbyist, you can't get to the table to write a bill," says Durbin. "This is a 'small d' democratic approach [to legislation], and I think it is a valuable approach that we ought to try more and more." More than a dozen members of Congress have entered the blogging arena, reports National Journal's Beltway Blogroll. Some believe blogs can foster relationships among government officials, companies and opinion leaders, as well as generate media attention. This story appeared in a recent issue of Public Affairs News Monitor. Click here to read the entire issue. Article came from the National Journal (10/06/07) Vol. 39, No. 40, P. 24; Vaida, Bara.

OneUpWeb Research

As I was catching up on some of my industry reading I came across two interesting whitepapers developed from OneUpWeb. One of them reviews the elements of universal search we must all know about, and the other examines the latest social media marketing techniques being utilized to market 2007 holiday items. Very interesting indeed.