Friday, May 23, 2008

Mountain Escape

We didn't expect to do much this Memorial Day weekend but, given some things that happened at my work, we decided to get the fuck out of town. After researching for a few days, we chose to stay in a secluded mountain cabin in North Georgia Mountains. This place is amazing. This quaint cabin, equipped with all the modern amenities, is perched on a hillside that looks up to the criss-crossing ranges of the Appalachian mountains. Bugs, no problem----all views and pleasantries can be experienced in a screened in porch keeping all the bugs out. Think this level of silence would be boring? Not a chance. Between the hot tub, big screen, wireless, and the beauty of nature outside, it is a perfect bungalow that lets the city freaks like me turn the knob on how rustic we want the experience to be. We also brought our dog who, given our real home is on a golf course, she is normally exposed to "manicured" nature. All the rustling in the bushes is driving her crazy but, like a well trained dog, she doesn't dare bark---not while our 3 year old is sleeping. Our dog may be dumb but she does know what it takes to survive in this household.