Saturday, January 26, 2008


It has taken me a while to decide who to vote for but, as far as I am concerned, there is only one person who can truly turn this country around---spiritually, economically and diplomatically, and that's Obama. After he won IOWA, a state that is made up of 97% whites, I really felt inspired about the fact that we could select not only a democrat but a person who can truly heal our country on so many levels. Some of Obama's speeches bring me to tears---I can't remember the last time I, or anyone else for that matter, felt so emotionally and intellectually engaged through the words of a single individual. In the olden days, people used to look up to the president but now this role has been tarnished in so many ways. Even Bill Clinton, for as good a president as he was, played a big role in ruining the perception of an American president with the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal. Bill, although an intelligent man, broke all the morality rules and lead the way to a more conservative and republican administration---fuck you Bill. Then Bush added to the mess by squandering America's intellect by engaging in a senseless war, bankrupting the country, and bringing to this country a sense of corruption and fear that is only seen in dictatorships. How ironic that we should take down a country with a dictator (IRAQ) in the spirit of democracy when clearly that's not what is going on in our own country. Bush--fuck you even more and I hope you and Cheney are arrested for crimes against the humanity in your country and around the world.

I want to go back to a president who is a visionary, who inspires us to grow and be a better people, and who unites us as Americans and not as blacks, whites, democrats, republicans and all the other categories out there. That visionary is Obama. I am so pissed at the tactics that Hillary (and Bill) are using to break Obama's spirit---clearly they just don't get it! But, even more depressing is that many people seem to be buying into that bullshit and the sense of excitement over Obama is fading. We can't let this happen! Please, elect to heal our country and to have leadership that actually cares about our people to direct our country. We need it desperately---vote Obama!

Today the people of South Carolina have the opportunity to tell the country that Obama is the right choice not because of the color of his skin but for the conviction within his soul. Please SC, vote Obama!

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