Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Daily Doozies

So I was talking to my sister who has decided to take one picture a day for a year. She started a few weeks ago and is posting a photo "documentary" on her flickr account. I love the fact has decided to literally take a snapshot of a moment in her everyday worth remembering. How many of us do that? Definitely not me and I probably should---I have so much to be thankful for, really. Honestly, if I did a project like this, I don't think I could stop taking photos---one a day would be impossible for me. Between my little girl that I love more than anything in this planet, the craziness at work, and the precious and trying moments my husband and I brave each and everyday, I think only an uncut reality show could truly capture it. But, I digress.

My sister's endeavor has made me realize that, as opposed to daily pictures, I would like to offer my daily doozies on this blog. I'll open the week with "Monday Musts" and then "Tuesday Tantrums" and "Wednesday WTF," etc. A mix of personal and professional, I hope you enjoy the entries.

1 comment:

Laura2329 said...

Thanks for the shout out Joanne! Been trying to keep it up as often as I can. Just figured out how to send pictures from my phone to my flickr account, so I don't always have to have my camera with me!