Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Funny

Friday traffic in Atlanta is especially heavy and, as one of the busiest travel days due to the upcoming Thanksgiving week, an even heavier one. As I was stuck in traffic listening to celebrity gossip on the radio, one of the things that occurred to me is that these celebrity women are so hungry they have been naming their kids after food. Gwyneth Palthrow was the first---naming her kid Apple. Then Courtney Cox named her kid Coco (Coconut) and Borat just had a baby girl and what did they name her-----Olive! Just think of all the teasing that is going to come from that! Olive Oil...extra virgin....unbelievable! I fully expect Nicole Ritchie to name her kid Burger.....Burger Ritchie (actually has a nice ring to it). Maybe J.Lo will name her babies Rice and Beans.....Rice and Beans Anthony. That's hilarious----Marc Anthony could certainly use some Rice and Beans to start shedding the "skeletor" nick name. Come on people, get a life.

1 comment:

Laura2329 said...

Hilarious...naming their children food because they're hungry! Does that mean that I will be naming my kids "lottery" and "shopping spree"?